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Blue Umbrella is a leading provider of due diligence research and regulatory compliance technologies. With a global presence and a local focus, Blue Umbrella helps compliance teams increase efficiency through automation, reduce costs, and gain a critical understanding of their clients and third parties. By harnessing a combination of the disruptive RegTech SaaS solutions and global research excellence, we cater to multinational corporations working in technology, manufacturing, life sciences, defense/aerospace, agriculture, energy, finance, and consumer goods. We house a team of over 160 highly-trained risk managers, proficient in speaking 40+ languages. Headquartered in Hong Kong, we have operations spread across the world in cities like London, Vancouver, Portland, Penang, New Delhi and São Paulo.
25-26 July 2023
Join leading General Counsels and Compliance Officers from across the U.S, for our annual Corporate Counsel & Compliance Exchange. This exclusive event offers the perfect opportunity to spend two days networking, benchmarking, and sharing ideas with
Event Ended