Eventually works hard to earn your trust. Below are some of the principles we operate by to ensure us is the most valued and trusted source of information to find and select right B2B event.

Our ratings are real and unbiased.

We require the use of a Facebook / LinkedIn account or verified business email address to validate Eventually reviewer’s identity and current employer. We work hard internally to ensure the reviews are unbiased and from the real people.

  • Review moderation.After our automatic filtering process removes reviews that do not meet our minimum submission requirements, our team manually checks each review. All reviews must pass our moderation process before they are published.
    • The “Verified” label denotes that the review has been published post moderation after meeting all the necessary requirements.
  • Our algorithms. Eventually satisfaction ratings, market presence scores, and index scores are determined algorithmically in real time based on reviews gathered from our user community, as well as data aggregated from publicly available online sources and social networks. Eventually ratings only include data from verified reviewers and public sources.
  • Objective data. Eventually does not add any subjective input to ratings, or review summaries. We do not, under any circumstances, edit the content of any review.
  • Rejected reviews.We reserve the right to remove reviews that do not meet minimum quality standards, including, but not limited to, those that have been copied from other sources, contain responses unrelated to the questions asked, include defamatory comments, or indicate trial or non-professional use. We also reserve the right to remove any reviews, comments, or other content contributed by a user when the user’s Eventually or LinkedIn profile is missing critical identifying information.
  • Editing reviews.The attendees can edit their review once submitted. However, the edited review will be move to moderation and after due diligence the edited version will be published. Eventually will always ensure the authenticity and unbiased review system.
  • Incentives.Not always, Eventually will, on some occasions, will offer incentives for honest reviews to help us gather a full and accurate data set. These incentives are offered as thank-yous for approved reviews; eligibility to receive an incentive is never based on the opinions, positive or negative, of the review.
  • Fake Review Alerts. If we discover attempts by the event organizers to manipulate their reviews, we may issue alerts to warn users about this action. Eventually will not tolerate any actions that trigger these alerts including soliciting only positive reviews, discouraging negative reviews, threatening attendees to remove negative reviews, and writing fake reviews from a shared IP address.

We protect our users’ privacy.

  • Account privacy.We do not share your data with outside sources for any reason without your express permission. While we do ask contributing users to sign in via their Google or LinkedIn™ profiles and a verified business email and this information is used strictly to validate reviewer identity and user authenticity.
  • Social sharing.We will not post to any social network on your behalf for any reason.
  • Unattributed reviews. Not in any condition, Eventually will allow attendees to post unattributed review.We understand that business relationships between attendees and event organizers may require discretion. However, Eventually will not give users the option to have any of their reviews posted without identifying information (their name, designation, photo, company) accompanying the review.

Tips for leaving reviews

  • Review for the reader. Your review could help someone find a right event to attend or an event organizer to partner with. We expect you to share unbiased and useful information that can help other Eventually users to find the right events to attend. The more informative the review, the more attention it attracts and the more credible you appear.
  • Aim for balance. Even if you love what you’re reviewing, it’s probably not perfect. As a reviewer, Eventually expects you to mention anything that could add value to other event reviewers. The event attendees are likely to place less trust in overwhelmingly positive (or overwhelmingly negative) reviews as they may find it biased or something less value-driven.
  • Be real.Along with being balanced, it’s also best to accurately present yourself and your level of experience with the overall event value from the perspective of speakers, location, content or the attendees they met.
    • For event, mention the level of engagement you have with the content, ambience, venue or in-event activities
    • For event content, you may talk about the speakers, session timings or the knowledge they shared during the event.
    • For in-event activities, you may talk about the engagement that took place during the event.
  • Stay Real.We request you to submit your review only for the event that you have attended. We request that you refrain from submitting a review of an event which you have not attended.

How to contribute to Eventually community?

Eventually, as a platform, would like to keep our conversations useful, transparent, and safe for the whole community. Non-adherence to any of our community guidelines, may result in the removal of content or an event attendee being permanently banned from contributing to the Eventually community.
  • Maintain real identity.While using Eventually, use your real name and identity when posting to ensure you’re credited for your opinion!
  • Be Original. We want all our reviewers to give their original opinion / review without being inspired from any third-party source. In case, if you are using any of the same please attribute it to the original source.
  • Be Respectful: By using this platform, you are agreeing to treat other users with respect. We have no tolerance for any content that harasses an individual or group based on race, gender, religion, nationality, ethnicity, political group, sexual orientation or other characteristics. Abusive behaviour will not be tolerated.
  • Respect the platform. Eventually is not the platform to generate traffic, post unsolicited promotions. Any form of such content will be banned.
  • Removed Reviews. We reserve the right to remove reviews that do not meet minimum quality standards. This includes, but is not limited to, those that have been copied from another source or posts which include gibberish, or posts which include defamatory comments.

Tips for event organizers

  • Increased participation. We encourage all the event organizers to take advantage of being part of Eventually community. We want the event organizers to be responsive to the attendee reviews to promote the platform transparency.
  • Gather / Generate reviews. We encourage all event organizers to encourage their attendees to leave reviews with authentic and unbiased feedback. In any case of guideline violation and whenever Eventually finds evidence of an organizer soliciting only positive reviews, we will remove the reviews. To help event organizers with outreach to their attendees, Eventually offers a paid service through which we will contact an event attendee on behalf to event organizers asking their authentic feedback.
  • Initiate conversations. We want event organizers to engage in a dialogue with the attendees and we provide them with the opportunity to respond publicly to posts. If a post contains inaccurate or negative commentary, we invite organizers to provide their perspective and address the attendee’s comments in this forum.
  • Keep us honest. Yes, all Eventually users do have the ability to report a concern on a review; when this occurs, a Eventually team member will investigate and provide a response. Remember, Eventually, not in any circumstances, will remove or edit reviews at a request of an event organizer. however, we do encourage all users to submit concerns for reviews that seem fake, out of place, or to come from a biased source.
    Keep in mind. We respect the freedom of expression through slang and strong language unless it attacks individuals or groups based on race, gender, religion, nationality, ethnicity, political group, sexual orientation, or other characteristics.
    • Review concerns are typically addressed within 48 working hours.