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Speaking Engagements


CIO DIGITAL SUMMIT The move to the virtual workplace has given IT an influence like never before! As customer centric digital transformation makes the technology organisation a revenue generator and as emerging technologies sit at the heart of the employee experience in the new world of work, it is time for the CIO to step up.

28-30 June 2022

Welcome to Opal Group’s CDAO Executive Summit We believe in creating a memorable, collaborative, and effective experience focused on continuous improvement for Chief Data & Analytics Officers, Chief Data Officers, Chief Analytics Officers, and other top executives in data, analytics, artificial intelligence, business intelligence, IT, and data gove

18-20 September 2022

The Fifth Annual Data Science Connect Conference 2022: ""Data Science: What Lies Ahead"" will feature data experts and practitioners across industries and disciplines as they discuss what lies ahead for data science in their respective industries and domains.

19-21 October 2022

This critical data, analytics, and AI event brings together industry thought leaders from fortune-level companies and from cross-industry sectors, including Financial Services, Oil & Gas, Hospitals & Healthcare, Technology, Retail, and more. Join interactive discussions, hear insightful case studies, and network with your D&A colleagues in Chicago

20-21 September 2023