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Jessica Geiger PharmD, MS is a pharmacist practicing in palliative care at OhioHealth in Columbus Ohio. She was never afraid to take the harder road to end up in the right place. She would be a magician’s assistant, talented saxophonist, vet technician and serve in the Marine Corp before landing with solid footing in the pharmacy profession. And, as a chronic pain sufferer since the age of 14, Jessica understands better than most the frustration and unnecessary suffering that comes when pain is not believed or not managed well. Since herniated disks don’t typically happen to 14-year old’s, she was constantly up against being afraid to ask for what she needed, or physicians who either didn’t want to or know what to prescribe for her to function; no one wanted to do anything for her.
Talks About #clinicalpharmacology #painmanagement
Preferred Locations #NorthAmerica
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