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Bert van den Hoek has been Head of Bouwinvest’s New York office since the beginning of 2020 leading the origination efforts of real estate investments in North America on behalf of the Dutch Construction Workers Pension Fund, bpfBOUW. Bert has worked in real estate for almost three decades and has broad international experience in both Europe and the U.S. with Partners Group, Deutsche Bank, PGGM, GIC, Morgan Stanley and Westbrook Partners.Bouwinvest Real Estate Investors B.V. is specialised in managing real estate portfolios for institutional investors. Bouwinvest strives to achieve sustainable returns on behalf of its pension fund clients. We manage €13.4 billion (YE 2020) in assets within five Dutch property sector funds and three international real estate investment mandates in Europe, North-America and Asia-Pacific.With 65 years of experience and a heritage rooted in pension funds and the construction industry, we understand the needs of long-term institutional investors and the dynamics of the domestic and international real estate investment markets. Bouwinvest has an experienced team of 190 investment professionals.
Talks About #investments
Preferred Locations #NorthAmerica
The PERE Network’s 18th annual America Forum on November 15-16 will discover effective investment strategies for North American real estate markets in New York.