Strange Loop 2023
St. Louis


The Strange Loop conference is an annual event that brings together a community of creators and users of cutting-edge programming languages, libraries, tools, and techniques. The conference is renowned for its innovative approach to exploring emerging technologies and fostering connections between like-minded professionals. The 2023 Strange Loop conference will take place on September 21-22, 2023, in St. Louis, Missouri. Attendees can look forward to an exciting lineup of keynote speakers, technical sessions, and networking opportunities that will showcase the latest advancements in the tech industry. This year's event will be particularly special as it will be the LAST Strange Loop conference. This final iteration of the conference is a must-attend event for anyone passionate about technology and interested in meeting and collaborating with some of the brightest minds in the industry. In addition to the technical sessions and keynote speeches, attendees will have the opportunity to attend a party on September 21st, which will provide an opportunity to socialize and network with fellow professionals in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. Overall, the Strange Loop 2023 conference promises to be a unique and inspiring experience that will leave attendees with new ideas, skills, and connections that they can take back to their organizations and communities.

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Strange Loop LLC


Strange Loop runs conferences for software developers, specifically the annual Strange Loop conference in St. Louis featuring talks about programming languages, distributed systems, databases, AI + machine learning, security, OSS, web dev, and more.

21 - 22 Sep 2023

Speakers and Delegates
Industry Experts and Thought Leaders

Vice President of Developer Community
Software Engineering Manager II
Professor: School of Engineering and Opus College of Business
Explaining Computer Things

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Latacora is a retained security team for startups. We do just one kind of engagement: we join your engineering team virtually and run security for about a year. Then we help you hire someone full-time to replace us.


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