Starknet Summit 2023
San Francisco


The Starknet Hacker House is a four-day event with in-person guidance from core Starknet community members. It will take place in a hotel in Palo Alto. We’re holding a first in-person session of Basecamp, Starknet’s flagship course taught by Starknet’s creators. Limited availability, in-person in Palo Alto. Blockchain builders and researchers who are active students or recent graduates are invited to apply for students scholarships to attend Starknet Summit in San Francisco. Limited availability.

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It’s a new world full of possibilities. But how do you get people to stop and notice you. This is why we do research and listen to your story, so we can tell it to people in an engaging way.

31 - 31 Aug 2023

Speakers and Delegates
Industry Experts and Thought Leaders

Co-Founder, President & Chairman of the Board
Co-Founder & CEO
Global Head of Crypto
Co-founder & Chief Scientist
Head of Core Engineering
Software Engineer
Software Engineer
Security Engineer, Blockchain
Engineering Lead
Product Manager & Researcher
Chief Executive Officer
Co-Founder & CEO
Product Manager and Blockchain Researcher
Co-founder & CEO
CEO & Co-Founder
Co-Founder, Partner

Sponsors and Exhibitors
Brand, Media and Promotional Partners


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