
Hanson Wade


Hanson Wade gives people the clarity to see where opportunity lies. We work in highly specialised fields to provide unmatched depth and quality of content. We work in sectors where quality of information is the difference between success and failure.

18 - 20 Oct 2022

Speakers and Delegates
Industry Experts and Thought Leaders

Full Professor (Chair) of Biofabrication and Advanced Manufacturing
Head of Centre of Excellence - Lipid NanoParticle
Associate Director
Senior Director Formulation & Stability
Head of Nanoparticle Research

Sponsors and Exhibitors
Brand, Media and Promotional Partners

Micropore Technologies Ltd

Micropore Technologies supports its clients’ journeys towards the greening of their formulated products and their contribution to a circular economy.

Precision NanoSystems Inc.

PNI is a global leader in ushering in the next wave of genetic medicines in infectious diseases, cancer, and rare diseases.


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