InfoSec Finance Connect 2023
San Diego


The financial services sector is in a constant battle to prevent data breaches that upset business continuity, tie up resources and cost companies more than ever before. You are targeted by attackers with three essential motivations: to steal data, to modify data integrity, and to commit direct financial theft. Data attacks and theft have become more sophisticated and constant. Financial institutions are relying on their cybersecurity teams to be ahead of the game and find the right solutions to keep their data safe.

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Worldwide Business Research (WBR)


We run over 120 industry-leading, annual conferences worldwide, along with a full complement of content marketing services, and intimate networking events - all aimed at educating, supporting, and connecting the leadership of the world's core industries. Bringing together and connecting leaders to address and solve problems creates a ripple effect of progress, collaboration, and enrichment across each industry we touch.

20 plus Years of Transforming Business:

Founded in 1996, Worldwide Business Research launched with 12 events in its first year. There was a clear lack of highly focused, quality events aimed specifically at business leadership. We sought to fill that gap. Since then, we've been fortunate to collaborate with hundreds of companies - from Fortune 100 institutions to small, scrappy startups - to deliver tangible and lasting growth to over 100,000 business leaders. And they keep coming back.

Powered by Great People:

From Event Producers in Singapore, to Marketing Managers in London, Web Designers in New York, and Sales Directors in Toronto, we all share a passion for finding what our customers need most and delivering it to them in ways that surprise and delight. We accomplish all this by hiring and training the brightest, most driven people that we can find - people that can learn and grow along with the company for the long term.

20 - 22 Mar 2023

Speakers and Delegates
Industry Experts and Thought Leaders

Chief Information Security Officer
Chief Information Security Officer
Sr. Director Strategic Technology Development, SVP
Chief Information Security Officer, USIS
VP Enterprise Sec Arch & App Security
Chief Information Security Officer
SVP, Chief Information Security Officer
Senior Director, Head of Cybersecurity Strategy
Member - OnCon Senior Council

Sponsors and Exhibitors
Brand, Media and Promotional Partners

Ordr Inc.

In the hyper-connected enterprise, in which everything from simple IoT devices to complex multi-million-dollar systems are connected, traditional security solutions simply aren't effective and cannot scale to secure them.


Axonius is the cybersecurity asset management platform that gives organizations a comprehensive asset inventory, uncovers security solution coverage gaps, and automatically validates and enforces security policies.

Orca Security

Orca Security, the cloud security innovation leader, provides cloud-wide, workload-deep security and compliance for AWS, Azure, and GCP - without the gaps in coverage, alert fatigue, and operational costs of agents.


"SlashNext is the authority on spear-phishing and human hacking, leading the fight together with its partners to protect the world's internet users from targeted phishing anywhere.


Panaseer is the first Continuous Controls Monitoring platform for enterprise security. We help stakeholders to make informed, risk-based security decisions.


Organizations of all sizes and industries use Wiz to rapidly identify and remove the most critical risks in AWS, Azure, GCP, and Kubernetes so they can build faster and more securely.


Jscrambler is the leader in client-side Web security.


Probely is the premier cloud-based application security testing solution designed to empower Security and DevOps teams working efficiently together on a DevSecOps approach built to reduce risk across web applications and RESTful APIs.

Soprano Design

Soprano Design is a leading provider of mobile messaging technology for mobile network carriers and enterprise customers worldwide.


The DryvIQ platform delivers deep insights into your entire unstructured data ecosystem. All unstructured data, no matter where it's produced or stored, is automatically classified and labeled using advanced artificial intelligence.

Skyhigh Security

Skyhigh Security protects organizations with cloud-native security solutions that are both data-aware and simple to use.

Spring Labs

Spring Labs is redefining how data is exchanged for the new age of data sharing, security, and consumer privacy through decentralization.


Firedome protects enterprises against supply chain and insider threat attacks by securing the most vulnerable point of entry in organizations.

OptimEyes AI is a unique AI-powered, on-demand SaaS solution for cyber-security, data privacy and compliance risk modeling.


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