Fully Connected
San Francisco


Join us for a one-day event focused on the generative models and LLMs transforming the world today! You’ll hear from the creators of the most exciting ML tools like LangChain & OpenAI, people building your favorite platforms like AWS, NVIDIA, Lightning, HuggingFace, Kaggle, and companies having a positive impact on the world through machine learning. We’ll also be launching an exciting new product at Fully Connected that will dramatically change how you train and deploy your models. We will be demoing it live and we can’t wait to hear what you think. Join us on June 7 to hear how the future of ML is being built on Weights & Biases.

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Weights & Biases


Weights & Biases is a developer-first MLOps platform. Track everything you need to make your models reproducible with Weights & Biases— from hyperparameters and code to model weights and dataset versions. Weights & Biases helps your ML team unlock their productivity by optimizing, visualizing, collaborating on, and standardizing their model and data pipelines – regardless of framework, environment, or workflow.

07 - 07 Jun 2023

Speakers and Delegates
Industry Experts and Thought Leaders

CEO & Co-Founder
CEO & Co-Founder
Founder, CTO
CEO & Co-Founder
Technical Staff
Head of Technical Alliances
Lead Technical Architect for Data and AI,
Machine Learning Engineer
Solutions Architect
Product + Growth,
Head of ML Platform
Director, AI/ML Partner Engineering

Sponsors and Exhibitors
Brand, Media and Promotional Partners


NVIDIA’s invention of the GPU in 1999 sparked the growth of the PC gaming market, redefined modern computer graphics, and revolutionized parallel computing.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

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Arize AI

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Domino Data Lab

Domino powers model-driven business for the world’s most advanced enterprises, including over 20% of the Fortune 100.


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