Dream Employer Summit 2023

Unpredictability and constant change have been present in our organizations for over two years. It is difficult to keep up with the changing trends and news. It is a time full of challenges for many employers who want to create good jobs, retain the best employees and attract talent from the demanding labor market.

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Dream Employer Hub


Since 2022, we have been creating more than just a competition. Dream Employer Hub is a company, competition, blog, podcasts, webinars, audits, training and much more.

01 - 02 Feb 2023

Speakers and Delegates
Industry Experts and Thought Leaders

Business trainer
Founder of remoteworkadvocate.com
CEO of HRM Institute

Sponsors and Exhibitors
Brand, Media and Promotional Partners

HRM Institute

HRM Institute is an organization whose mission is to support the advisory, training, communication and research in the current employer brand management, employer branding strategy development and helping with company’s communication with talented

Remote School

It’s the only offer of online training and consulting services in the field of remote and hybrid work on the Polish market.


Skillsbite provides a decentralized learning network for people to improve their job skills in future technologies The blockchain project is developing a learner based platform to advance the careers of students and professionals Skillsbite ecosystem


Sensonar is leading the way in intelligent computer sciences With web3 Metaverse Artificial Intelligence Digital Transformation paradigm shift connected with Big Hairy Ambitious Goals analysis with us you have on your side the best who knows how to a

Akademia Doceniania

Wspieramy firmy i mened er w w budowaniu lojalnych i odwa nych zespo w Wynosimy umiej tno feedbacku i doceniania na najwy szy poziom


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