Digital Transformation and Innovation 2022


Exclusive B2B conference on digital transformation, innovation and customer experience Discover the digital future and new trends to transform the future of your company and increase your competitive advantage Intense 45-minute question and answer sessions during the in-depth tables Our ""Think Tank"" social network to make it easier to get in touc

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World Class Business Leaders


On- and Offline Classroom for Business Leaders Business Leaders with outstanding track records share their expertise in the World Class Series.

05 - 06 Oct 2022

Speakers and Delegates
Industry Experts and Thought Leaders

IT head of Digital & B2C | Innovation lead Italy
Chief Digital & Innovation Officer, Board Member
Head of FastCloud ICT & SAP Services
Global Omnichannel and Customer Experience Director
Managing Director
Head of IT Enterprise Architecture

Sponsors and Exhibitors
Brand, Media and Promotional Partners


Assintel è l’associazione nazionale di riferimento delle imprese ICT e aderisce a Confcommercio – Imprese per l’Italia.


Extera is an importer and distributor of health products and a leader on Upper and Lower Extremities. Our main brands are Medartis, Integra LifeSciences , Aesculap , Polyganics , Teknimed , Cartiva Inc and Orfit .

Horsa Group

We are the Italian ICT excellence on ERP, CRM, Business Analytics and Technology areas, but also on the innovation of Big Data, IoT, Cloud and Predictive Analysis.


Nasce ad inizio del 2017 Agatheia Srl e l’idea del progetto NoiCompensiAmo Calcolando il bilancio GHG le organizzazioni possono individuare le aree dove è possibile migliorare le proprie prestazioni, compensando le emissioni residue ed implementa

Rumble Studio

Rumble Studios is a full-service music and sound design studio based in Sydney.

SCAI Solution Group

SCAI Solution Group è un System Integrator che offre consulenza, soluzioni e servizi alle imprese che intendono attuare l'innovazione di processo investendo in tecnologie innovative abilitanti.


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