4th Aligning Drug Safety Functions & REMS Summit


DGE proudly presents its 4th Aligning Drug Safety Functions & REMS Summit, taking place on August 29-30, 2023, at The Inn at Penn in Philadelphia, PA. Learn and network with industry experts at the only industry event that aligns drug safety, pharmacovigilance, and risk management teams! No other conference provides as much detail and comprehensive insights into communication strategies among safety teams, prioritizing patient safety, and preparing for PV and REMS inspections.

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Dynamic Global Events (DGE)


The Life Sciences Leader in providing Virtual, Hybrid and Live B2B Events serving the dynamic informational and networking needs of the Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, Healthcare, Medical Device and its allied industries.

29 - 30 Aug 2023

Speakers and Delegates
Industry Experts and Thought Leaders

Director, Pharmacovigilance and Medical Affairs
Director, Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) Programs - Regualtory Affairs Clinical
Safety Innovation Technology Director
Medical Director
Associate Director, REMS
Associate Director, REMS Strategy & Submissions
President and CEO
Risk Management Lead, REMS & Risk Management Center of Excellence
Senior Medical Director - Global Head of Patient Safety and Pharmacovigilance, Biosimilars
Team Lead, Center for Post Approval Safety Studies
US Risk Management Lead
Director, Risk Management Center of Excellence

Sponsors and Exhibitors
Brand, Media and Promotional Partners


Dedicated to Global Product Safety, Brand Loyalty, and Patient Access Strategies that Support the Full Product Lifecycle United BioSource LLC (UBC) is a leading provider of pharmaceutical support services, partnering with life science companies to ma

Two Labs

Two Labs, founded in 2003 and headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, has offices and operations across the US and UK and is a leading pharmaceutical services company that partners with pharma/biotech companies.


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