3rd Inner Ear Disorders Therapeutics Summit

Welcome to the 3rd Inner Ear Disorders Therapeutics Summit, where we aim to accelerate the development of drug-based treatments for inner ear disorders. The industry has seen progress with multiple INDs approved in recent months and interest from big pharma in acquiring innovative biotechs working on hearing loss. However, the inner ear disorder space has also faced multiple clinical failures, highlighting the need for collaboration to overcome the specific obstacles hindering late-stage clinical trials and approval.

This summit brings together the community to share case studies and data-driven insights on optimizing preclinical programs and designing translational studies to validate clinically relevant targets. We will leverage the latest biotech and academic innovations, along with the experience of big pharma, to address technical and strategic challenges in delivering safe and effective therapies for the inner ear.

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29 - 31 Aug 2023

Speakers and Delegates
Industry Experts and Thought Leaders

Executive Director and CEO
Medical Director
Chief Executive Officer
Strategic Marketing and New Product Planning
Chief Executive Officer
Co-founder and Chief Executive Office
Virginia Merrill Bloedel Professor
Co-Founder and CEO
Director Preclinical Development
Chief Executive Officer

Sponsors and Exhibitors
Brand, Media and Promotional Partners


CILcare is an R&D services company specialized in hearing disorders.

ENT Clinical

ENT Clinical is the academic clinical research organisation with the know-how and expertise to support your clinical development program in the hearing field.

Turner Scientific LLC

Turner Scientific is a company with a dual, yet related, focus.


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